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Academic Excellence

Wantirna College provides more than 30 VCE subjects students can choose for their university entrance exam in Australia. This gives student the opportunity to study areas of their interest and maximize their strengths. At the same time, extra-curricular activities such as debating, art club, music club, school production, camp, peer support and school captaincy truly enrich their experience outside of the classroom and provide leadership opportunities at the school.

We understand the importance of keeping parents informed about their child’s progress, especially for the parents of international students. We set up individual accounts for parents so that you can follow and review academic progress of your child on our Learning and Management system, Compass. You will be able to access child’s attendance, classroom behaviour, assessment tasks, teacher comments and also any major school events on any computer or mobile device. Our International Student Program team will also provide you with a school report each term and contact you individually to discuss the needs of your child.




Extracurricular Activities

Wantirna College is a place full of energy. We encourage all our students to get involved in all aspect of their schooling to build their interpersonal communication skills and leadership skills.

  • Camp at all year levels
  • one-on-one music instrument lesson
  • annual school production
  • whole school swimming carnival
  • whole school athletics carnival
  • inter-school sports competition throughout the year
  • many clubs including debating, art and photography



  • 每个年级都有不同的年度郊游露营和生活体验活动
  • 丰富的乐器一对一课程(包括各类管弦乐器,钢琴等)
  • 年度戏剧表演
  • 全校田径运动会
  • 全校游泳运动会
  • 包括各种球类在内的校际比赛
  • 包括辩论,绘画,摄影在内的多个课后社团

Lunchtime Clubs

At lunchtimes, we offer a range of clubs for students to participate in. Our clubs support students in fostering connections and social interactions through activities in interest. Ranging from Book Club, Yarn Club to Lego Club our international students are welcome and we support them in fostering connections with both local and international students.



Student Testimony

Nguyen Phuong Linh DO (Lisa)

Lisa was one of our Vietnamese International Students from 2020 to 2022.



‘As an international student, I have learnt so much in the three year I have been here. With the support and understanding from my teachers and my fellow students, I was able to blend into the Wantirna College family very quickly. I am also very lucky to be the International Student Captain which provided me with opportunity to build my leadership skills’

Yewudai Zhu – Chinese International Student, 2017 graduate
Science – The University of Melbourne



朱叶娬黛 – 2017届毕业生,国际学生会会长,现就读墨尔本大学科学系

‘When I just landed in Australia for the first time, I was not sure whether I made the right choice. However, the teachers and students at Wantirna College have changed that. My teachers here tries to find strength of every single student to maximize their potential. I really do think Wantirna College and the homestay to be my second family’

Shengyu Huang – Cambodian International Student, 2018 graduate
Engineering – Monash University



黄圣淯 – 2018届毕业生,国际学生会副会长,现就读蒙纳士大学工程系

‘Teachers and staff here are very friendly, they not only helped me academically but also paid a lot of attention outside of the school too. Wantirna College is a place focus on academics as well as traditional culture. The care and support I received here at the college no doubt contributed significantly into the success of VCE’

Zijun Xing – Chinese International Student, 2014 graduate
Engineering – The University of Melbourne



邢子君 – 2014高考全校第一,现就读于墨尔本大学工程系