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Wantirna College offers support to international students and their parents in a range of practical, academic, and other ways.

International Student Support Team

Ningna Zhang: International Student Program Coordinator

Ningna has worked in the Wantirna International Student Program since 1999.  She is in charge of all administrative aspect of the program including managing our Homestay program. Ningna is very experienced in supporting and advising students to become independent individuals within the school and broader community. Her capacity to build rapport with students is outstanding and many of our graduates stay in contact with her.

Ningna Zhang: 海外学生项目主任


Tina Lin: Program Multicultural Aide

Tina graduated from a teaching course with a major in Biological Science. After moving to Melbourne in 2009, she has obtained a certificate in training and has worked at Wantirna College since 2011 as a teaching aide.  Tina provides academic support fulltime to our international students mainly in the area of Maths and Science.

Tina Lin:  国际学生项目助教


New Student Orientation Program

When new international students first come to school, they will be welcomed by the school leadership team including school principal and assistant principals. Students will also have the opportunity to talk to existing international students and many local students to ask questions and make connections. Wantirna College also has an on-site psychologist and well-being team, career advisor and student managers to provide ongoing support in all aspect of a student’s life here in Australia.


在新生入学第一天,包括校长,副校长,年级组长和国际学生部老师在内的教职员工会举办迎新会,并解答学生关于学校各个方面的问题。同时我们会为新到来的国际学生引荐一些学习优秀的澳洲当地学生成为他们的‘学习伙伴’,旨在帮助他们更快地练习英语和学习当地文化。国际学生部人员也会随时为学生提供他们所需的帮助。 不仅如此,学校还雇用了学习指导员、生活指导员和心理学专家来满足国际学生可能出现的各种需求。

Academic Support

  • We have a full time Teacher’s Aide to provide individual support for international students in the class
  • Free after school tuition:
    • Tue: Maths Boost
    • Wed: Year 9 – 12 School funded English Support, 1:30pm – 4:30pm
    • Thu: VCE Boost and year 7-8 School funded English Support
  • Extra holiday classes for year 12 students
  • One-on-one career advise appointment available with our qualified advisor
  • A range of state and national competitions across different subject areas.
  • University Extension Program from Monash University and Melbourne University for top performing students 


  • 我们由全职的助教周期性的专职陪同国际学生进入课堂,协助沟通和辅助课堂老师的教学
  • 为了在校学生能够得到足够的课后辅导,学校每周有三天下午给学生提供免费的课程辅导
周三:9-12 年级免费英文补习课
周四: VCE 和 7 -8 年级免费英文补习课 
  • 假期复习课程,帮助高三学生做高考的最后冲刺
  • 专业职业咨询师一对一提供职业取向和选课辅导
  • 给学习突出的学生提供额外机会,包括科学与数学竞赛,或者帮助学生申请蒙纳士大学和墨尔本大学的延伸课程








Department of Education and Training
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