Our goal is for students to have a multitude of options available to them when they finish their secondary schooling.
Managed Individual Pathways and Careers
Each of our students will develop a Managed Individual Pathway during their time from year 9-12. This involves students researching and documenting their future options in order to ensure they leave open as many potential pathways as possible. The Pathways plan will be built over the years and is reviewed systematically through the Learning Mentor Program.
Students at the College have access to the Careers Resource Centre located in the Senior School Centre. Students and parents may make an appointment to see Mrs Dennison or Mr Knowles, the Careers practitioners for counselling and other assistance with careers matters.
Careers counselling and managed individual Pathways are both designed to empower students to make and implement informed decisions about school and their post-school options. The emphasis is on assisting students to make decisions based on a clear understanding of their abilities, skills, interests and values. Counselling sessions also equip students with the necessary skills to make important lifelong learning decisions after they leave the College.
The Careers Resource Centre is stocked with a vast range of current course and pathway information including careers computer programs (Ozjac, Career Voyage), careers related websites, videos, DVDs, Job Guides, VTAC guides and TAFE and university handbooks. A fortnightly careers newsletter, The Careers News, is also produced for all senior school students and is emailed to all students in Years 10, 11 and 12. The newsletter contains information relating to university and TAFE courses, Open Days, Expos and Careers Events.
The Careers Coordinator is available to assist all students with pathways matters including the following:
- Subject selection (including course prerequisites)
- VCE / VCAL and VET advice
- Advice on the effect of changing a subject on career choice
- Course selection at tertiary institutions
- Career and pathway planning
- Work experience and work place issues such as occupational health and safety
- Employment, traineeship and apprenticeship options and placements
- Job application letters, resumes, interview skills
- Folio preparation advice
- Where to access careers related information